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shl                      Bitwise Left-Shift Integer Operator             [TP]

 <exp1> shl <exp2>

    SHL does a bitwise left-shift on <exp1>, shifting it <exp2> places to
    the left and filling with zeros. The resulting expression is a 16-bit
    integer value. Shifting an unsigned number left is the same as
    multiplying it by 2 for every bit shifted left.

             <exp1>   Any integer expression.

             <exp2>   Any integer expression. Note that if <exp2> is
                      greater than 15 or less than 0, the resulting value
                      will always be zero.

  -------------------------------- Example ---------------------------------

           I := 25 shl 1;           { I = 50 }
           I := $4123 shl 8;        { I = $2300 }

See Also: shr
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